
Resources for the Nation’s Title X Workforce

Busy clinicians serving the Title X network are always in need of efficient and reliable ways to ensure they are providing current evidence-based practices and services. Funded by the Office of Population Affairs since 2006, the CTC-SRH is a trusted creator and curator of user-friendly resources to meet this need. 

Our goal is to serve Title X clinical services providers to increase their capacity to deliver high-quality sexual and reproductive health services. Therefore, we create, curate, and manage clinical resources to assist clinicians in managing common sexual and reproductive health concerns and related preventive health care issues. We support your overall clinical learning with a variety of tools, such as podcasts, toolkits, job aids, and clinical protocol templates. 

Recognizing that Title X clinics serve a diverse group of people, we design, develop, and implement our trainings and resources with a focus on quality, equity, and access at the core. We affirm the need for men's health in Title X projects and services for anyone who can become pregnant, including cisgender women, transgender men, nonbinary people, and others. 

Resource Snapshots

These are free resources developed to enhance the professional development of sexual and reproductive health services providers. While these resources are not eligible for CEs, you can visit our Training with CEs section

Drop In Active Learning Sessions (DIALS)

DIALS are 60-minute virtual sessions based on the Action Learning theory coupled with a ‘drop-in’ process. Action learning uses the experiences and the needs of the learners rather than the knowledge of the teacher to address real-life problems and tasks in complex situations and conditions. Because DIALS do not have CEs, DIALS often feature speakers from the healthcare industry who present about emerging products and research that are valuable to the Title X network.

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Clinical Chats: A Podcast for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Professionals

Episodes of our podcast, Clinical Chats, are a convenient way for sexual and reproductive health professionals to hear about the latest news and topics in an easy to access format. You may listen directly from our website, or follow our podcast on all major podcast streaming platforms to listen on the go. Clinical Chats encompasses two current sub-series, Coding with Ann and Reproductive Justice.

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Job Aids for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Our clinical job aids include palm cards, one-pagers, and charts as quick references for providers before, during, and after encounters. Current job aid topics include billing and coding, preventive health care, differentiating contraception, and contraceptive visits.

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Clinical Protocols for Sexual and Reproductive Health

The available clinical protocols created by the CTC-SRH are templates that can be adapted by local agencies. The templates are written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies should tailor the content to their own organization by including information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

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Toolkits for Sexual and Reproductive Health

The clinical toolkits provided offer a complete overview of initiating or improving the provision of a sexual and reproductive health service. Some toolkits are intended for trainers in Title X programs. Most toolkits are available as a pdf and an interactive online version is also available for select toolkits.

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Case Studies for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Case studies are developed by the CTC-SRH to introduce you to a scenario you may encounter in providing family planning care to patients. Case studies are highly interactive and are developed to support our Clinician Cafes. Current topics include infertility services, patients who use substances, and patients with disabilities.

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Instructional Videos for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Instructional videos vary in length and do not have CE associated with them. These include webinars that no longer have CE available but still have clinical relevance. They also include shorter videos that help convey information on a complex topic.

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Clinical Connections

Clinical Connections is the CTC-SRH’s monthly newsletter. Join our mailing list to receive our monthly newsletter and occasional updates about our trainings, resources, and relevant information from our partner organizations.

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Resources Guides for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Resource guides are developed as quick reference pages or pdfs that address a specific topic. They can also be used as an alternative one-pager list of the content within our Clinician Cafes.

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Overview - New to Title X?

Whether you are a new or highly experienced clinical services provider, if you are newly practicing in a Title X program there may be some services, requirements, or priorities that are new to you. This curated list of resources for new Title X clinical services providers will help you become familiar with Title X programmatic requirements and essential services.

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Resources For The Title X Network

The resources below are curated from both the CTC-SRH and partner organizations to support your comprehension and application of Title X programmatic requirements, including Title X expectations, provision of high-quality family planning services, quality improvement and assurance, and other resources and trainings.

Title X Expectations
Provision of High-Quality Family Planning Services
Quality Improvement & Quality Assurance
Clinical Protocols & Toolkits for Family Planning Settings
conference infoconf date
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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