IUC Training

The CTC-SRH offers intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) training for clinical services providers since 2008. Participants report significant improvement in their technical skills and increased confidence in performing IUC placement and removal.

The IUC training courses are developed and delivered by the CTC-SRH's team of highly experienced subject matter experts. There are three distinct courses for healthcare providers:

  1. IUC Placement and Removal Skills Training focuses on pain management, person-centered counseling, and hands-on skills practice. This comprehensive approach helps providers build the confidence and competency needed to deliver high-quality, person-centered IUC service delivery within their practice.
  2. IUC Challenging Cases provides in-depth knowledge into managing complex IUC placement and removal through strategies to reduce the number of unsuccessful IUC placements, minimize the risk of adverse events, discuss strategies for minimizing the risk of perforation, and learn advanced techniques for missing string removal. This training is recommended for providers after at least five devices have been placed in the clinical setting.
  3. IUC Mentor Training is designed to train experienced providers who are already proficient with IUC placement and removal to mentor and guide other providers to perform these procedures successfully. Participants learn how to effectively teach and support their peers in developing the skills needed for IUC service delivery.

IUC Training Courses

IUC Placement and Removal Skills

For clinicians new to providing IUC or needing refresher training

This session consists first of a self-paced online didactic followed by a live skills session, which is offered virtually with some onsite options. Participants will get hands-on practice with IUC demonstration kits and pelvic models. After completing the skills session, participants will receive a certificate of completion and can begin IUC placement under the guidance of their institution.

If you are attending an onsite training, CTC-SRH will provide IUC demonstration/training kits along with pelvic models at the training location. Onsite trainings also offer virtual simulator practice.

If you are attending a virtual training, we will ship IUC demonstration training kits and a pelvic model to you, which requires a deposit. Return the pelvic model using the included return label within 7 days of your training and receive your training kit deposit back in full.

This training is FREE for Title X providers, fee for Non-Title X providers. 1.5 CNE/CME available.

IUC Challenging Cases

For clinicians who have placed 5+ IUC devices in the clinical setting

This training will provide in-depth knowledge of managing challenging cases associated with IUC insertion and removal. In this session, participants will explore strategies to reduce the number of unsuccessful IUC placements and minimize the risk of adverse events with placement and removal of IUC methods, discuss strategies for minimizing the risk of perforation, and learn advanced techniques for missing string removals.

This training is FREE for Title X providers, fee for Non-Title X providers. 2.5 CNE/CME available.

"The [IUC Placement and Removal Skills] training made IUC education, prescription, and placement more accessible. I enjoyed the didactic video and the hands-on component, especially the chance to ask questions in real-time."
- Ayana B., CNM from Colorado

IUC Mentor Training

For experienced clinicians who oversee IUC services within their organization

The Intrauterine Contraception (IUC) Mentor Training is an advanced CTC-SRH training program that aims to enhance the number of skills and competent mentors who can effectively teach and support their peer clinicians. By building this network of mentors, we aim to ensure that more clinicians gain the competency and confidence required for successful IUC service delivery, including safe and effective placement and removal procedures.

This training is tailored for experienced healthcare providers who oversee IUC services within their organization, specifically, clinicians involved in the onboarding and privileging of sexual and reproductive healthcare providers. This training provides guidance on how to coach and mentor less experienced IUC providers who are seeking to improve their confidence and skills in IUC placement and removal.

This training is FREE for Title X providers, fee for Non-Title X providers. 2.0 CNE/CME available.

Who Should Take The IUC Training?

The IUC Training is intended for licensed clinical providers (CNM, NP, PA, DO, or MD) in the United States and its territories who wish to provide IUC placement and removal services. This training is not available to students as part of their educational curriculum or to non-clinician providers.

The CTC-SRH is federally funded to serve Title X recipients by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs. Therefore, all our training, including intrauterine contraceptive training, is free for clinical providers that practice IUC services within a Title X family planning setting. However, non-Title X individuals can still access our resources and attend our training for a fee.

During registration, you can select if you are a Title X or non-Title X affiliate. If you are unsure of your clinic status, you can clarify with your administrator or search for your clinic on the Title X Clinic Finder.

Who conducts the IUC training? How does the training benefit clinicians? 

Each IUC training is led by a highly experienced reproductive health provider. Clinicians who participate in the training receive real-time feedback and coaching with simulation practice. The CTC-SRH has been successfully providing intrauterine contraception (IUC) training since 2008, and evaluations confirm that the training is successful in skills development and building confidence in performing IUC placement and removal. 

Why did the CTC-SRH shift to virtual training? 

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the CTC-SRH’s ability to host and travel to face-to-face clinical skills trainings in 2020. Therefore, to continue meeting the needs of the Title X workforce, the CTC-SRH transitioned onsite intrauterine contraception training to a virtual format using online didactic material and live-streamed training and telementoring. This format has become increasingly popular and has proven to be a valuable option as the sexual and reproductive field evolves to serve the needs of the Title X network. 

By introducing virtual skills training, the CTC-SRH has expanded its reach to providers who once were unable to travel to in-person events. Learn more about our shift to virtual training from our report, Virtual Skills Training Format for Teaching Intrauterine Contraception Insertion During Coronavirus Disease 2019,” Journal for Nurse Practitioners.

The CTC-SRH continues to offer onsite IUC training in a more limited capacity. Watch our training calendar for onsite opportunities.

  • IUC Placement and Removal Skills

    This virtual training consists first of a self-paced online didactic followed by a live skills sessi...

    February 24 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm CST
  • IUC Placement and Removal Skills

    This virtual training consists first of a self-paced online didactic followed by a live skills sessi...

    April 21 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm CDT
  • IUC Placement and Removal Skills

    This virtual training consists first of a self-paced online didactic followed by a live skills sessi...

    July 14 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm CDT
  • IUC Placement and Removal Skills

    This virtual training consists first of a self-paced online didactic followed by a live skills sessi...

    May 19 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm CDT
  • IUC Mentor Training

    The Intrauterine Contraception (IUC) Mentor Training is an advanced CTC-SRH training program that ai...

    February 28 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm CST

Syphilis 101

Due to popular demand, join the CTC-SRH and our own Associate Director of Clinical Training, Tammy Bennett, DNP, WHNP-BC, for a repeat of our Syphilis 101 webinar! This educational webinar […]
2025-03-11 13:00:00
Jan 08, 2025

Learning Lab: STI Basics for Title X Clinical Providers

The goal of this learning lab training activity is to help increase confidence and competency in providing high quality, person-centered STI treatment and management services for clinicians who are new […]
2025-02-19 14:00:00
Dec 16, 2024

IUC-Related Resources

View all training resources

The CTC-SRH has created resources such as job aids, podcasts, and clinical protocol templates to help providers perform IUC-related tasks. 

Job Aid

Extended Use of LARC Methods

This job aid covers the advantages and counseling of extending LARC use for contraceptive and non-contraceptive benefits with clients.

Released: 01/14/2025
Job Aid

Essential History & Physical Exam for IUC Placement

This job aid assists clinical service providers in reviewing relevant medical history as per US MEC, US SPR, and QFP guiding principles. It also addresses IUC pain management.

Released: 01/13/2025

Missed Opportunity or Overkill? Post Sexual Encounter Counseling and Prophylaxis

In this DIALS, recorded on 11/27/23, Dr. David Turok and Dr. Hilary Reno discussed emerging research that supports emergency contraception and post-exposure prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Studies have shown that PEP and EC are appropriate for prophylaxis following unprotected intercourse. Additionally, doxy PEP shows promise as a preventive measure for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Released: 11/29/2023

How Long is Too Long? An Update on Extended Use LARC

This DIALS, recorded on 11/1/2023, featured Dr. Angeline Ti and Dr. Lauren Thaxton. It provides an overview of the research that supports extended use for most methods of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) available in the U.S., followed by a discussion about techniques for client-led education and counseling for potential extended use LARC.

Released: 11/07/2023

Coding with Ann: Updates on Common LARC Miscodes

In the latest installment of the ongoing series, Coding with Ann, Ann Finn, of Ann Finn LLC, discusses updated guidance on common LARC miscodes with the CTC-SRH.

Released: 09/19/2023
Job Aid

IUC Algorithms

These Intrauterine Contraception (IUC) Algorithms can be used by providers for reference when IUC is the preferred method of contraception by clients.

Released: 04/20/2023

Coding with Ann: Updates on Common Codes for IUD-Related Services

In episode 21 of the NCTCFP's popular Coding with Ann series, Ann Finn, of Ann Finn LLC, provides updated guidance common codes used when billing for IUDs and IUD-related services.

Released: 01/12/2023
Clinical Protocol

Protocol Template: Routine IUD Placement

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 01/04/2023
What is Title X?

For more than 50 years, the Title X program, funded by the Office of Population Affairs (OPA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has served as the nation’s family planning program, supporting a network of grantees providing high-quality sexual and reproductive health care to millions of people coast to coast, with a mandate to serve primarily low-income and adolescent patients.

How do I know if I am a Title X provider?

If the clinic you primarily work with receives Title X funds, you are considered a Title X participant. If you are unsure of your clinic status, you can clarify with your administrator or search for your clinic on the Title X Clinic Finder.

Do I need to pay for my Continuing Education (CE)?

All Title X providers may attend the training and receive CE for free. Those that are not Title X affiliated will be required to pay to attend the training and receive CE. The registration fee includes the CE fee.

Does this training certify me to place/insert and remove an IUC?

While there is no formal certification required to place or remove intrauterine contraception, the best practice is to enroll in a didactic course along with attending a hands-on education course prior to the placement or removal of intrauterine contraception. Our course provides the foundation for clinicians with the expectation of proper mentorship before performing placements and removals on live patients.

Do you offer Nexplanon (implant) training?

We do not provide implant placement skills training in our virtual training, as only Organon is certified to offer Nexplanon placement and removal training. 

However, implant training is offered during our onsite IUC skills training. This is because we invite Organon to co-locate their training alongside our onsite training.

If you are unable to attend an onsite training, we do provide referrals to two organizations that provide Nexplanon training and you can learn more here.

Can a colleague and I take the course together and share the model?

We encourage colleagues to take the course together. You can share the pelvic model with a colleague who is enrolled in the same training session. We recommend a maximum of 2 participants to one model. 

For assistance, please contact Stephanie Spitz at least three weeks before your selected training date by emailing steph.ann@umkc.edu.

Can I request individual or organization-wide training?

Please contact Stephanie Spitz with details about your organization, size of the team, and preferred training dates by emailing steph.ann@umkc.edu.

University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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