Resource Library

The resources on this page are all created by the CTC-SRH to assist clinical services providers in managing common sexual and reproductive health concerns and related preventive health care issues. Some resources are helpful before, during, and after clinical encounters as quick reference guides, while others are focused at implementing or improving new services or protocols.

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Clinical Protocol

This sample clinical protocol can be used to enhance clinicians' understanding of the appropriateness of expedited partner therapy (EPT) and how it can be used in communities with increasing gonorrhea and/or chlamydia rates by increasing treatment in underserved populations.

Instructions are provided within the template so local agencies can fully customize their organization's protocol. A web-accessible PDF is provided, along with an editable Word Document.

Released: 10/01/2024
Clinical Protocol

These vasectomy service templates are intended to assist sexual and reproductive health/family planning providers develop or update local, service site-specific protocols for:

  • Pre-Operative Vasectomy Services
  • Vasectomy Surgical Procedure
  • Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis (PVSA)

Instructions are provided within the template so local agencies can fully customize their organization's protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 08/27/2024
Clinical Protocol

This template is intended to assist sexual and reproductive health/family planning providers develop or update local, service site-specific policies and procedures on providing care to clients who have had a positive pregnancy test.

Instructions are provided within the template so local agencies can fully customize their organization's protocol. A web-accessible PDF is provided, along with an editable Word Document.

Released: 02/20/2024
Clinical Protocol

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 03/28/2023
Clinical Protocol

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 02/01/2023
Clinical Protocol

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 01/04/2023
Clinical Protocol

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 01/04/2023
Clinical Protocol

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.

Released: 01/04/2023
Clinical Protocol

This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.


Released: 07/18/2022
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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