Tag: Quality Family Planning (QFP)


Resources for New or Less Experienced Title X Clinical Providers

In this DIALS, recorded on 4/27/2023, featured CTC-SRH staff Jacki Witt, JD, WHNP-BC and Kristin Metcalf-Wilson, DNP, WHNP-BC. This session highlighted specific training, toolkits, and job aids appropriate for clinical services providers which are readily available through the CTC-SRH and RHNTC websites. This session can assist you with onboarding, maintaining, and improving practice through the development of essential sexual and reproductive health care knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior.


Title X Clinician Onboarding Inventory

This document is designed to support new clinicians working in Title X family planning settings. The resources included in this inventory will assist clinicians, new and experienced, to understand the requirements of Title X and have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of clients.



Resources for the Nation’s Title X Workforce Busy clinicians serving the Title X network are always in need of efficient and reliable ways to ensure they are providing current evidence-based […]

Resource Library

The resources on this page are all created by the CTC-SRH to assist clinical services providers in managing common sexual and reproductive health concerns and related preventive health care issues. […]

Implementing Quality Family Planning: Training Toolkits for Staff and Prescribers

Implementing Quality Family Planning, or IQFP, provides clinic staff with the knowledge and skills they need to engage with family planning clients, apply client-centered care, and share evidence-based information on a wide range of contraceptive methods.

The IQFP Toolkits are comprehensive curricula to be used by facilitators familiar with the QFP guidelines to train clinical staff or prescribers.

IQFP Curriculum (Standard) is for experienced staff or clinicians to train non-prescribing staff, including registered nurses and health educators. The IQFP Curriculum consists of two modules: (1) Contraception Overview and (2) Client-Centered Counseling in the Family Planning Setting

IQFP-RX Curriculum (IQFP For Prescribers) is for experienced clinicians to train other clinicians and includes additional in-depth information on prescribing and management. The IQFP-RX Curriculum consists of three modules: (1) Contraception Overview (2) Client-Centered Counseling in the Family Planning Setting (3) Advanced Contraception

The Toolkit Tour below gives an introduction to the Implementing Quality Family Planning (IQFP) Curriculum, a walkthrough of the toolkits, and information on how to customize your training using the toolkits.


In Clinic: A QFP Counseling Podcast Series

Listen to this podcast for free on our website using the player above, downloading it to your computer, or stream on your phone by searching "The Family Planning Files" on […]
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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