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About The Clinical Training Center For Sexual And Reproductive Health (CTC-SRH)

Since 2006, the Clinical Training Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health (CTC-SRH) has offered evidence-based clinical training and resources to healthcare providers in Title X settings. Formerly known as the National Clinical Training Center for Family Planning (NCTCFP), we are funded by the Office of Population Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services to provide training and technical assistance to Title X Clinical Services Providers. 

Our goal is to serve Title X clinical services providers to increase their capacity to deliver high-quality sexual and reproductive health services. Recognizing that Title X clinics serve a diverse group of people, we design, develop, and implement our trainings and resources with a focus on quality, equity, and access at the core. We affirm the need for men's health in Title X projects as well as services for anyone who can become pregnant, including cisgender women, transgender men, nonbinary people, and others. 

The CTC-SRH is managed by the Collaborative to Advance Health Services at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Learn more about our team.

We provide training and resources for Title X clinicians and the broader sexual and reproductive health provider workforce to increase quality, equity, and access in the healthcare field. While CTC-SRH is funded to serve Title X clinical services providers, our training and resources may benefit anyone who sees clients. We have worked with both individual providers and entire care teams at the service site, sub-recipient, and grantee levels of Title X-funded organizations for the past 17 years. 

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Here are ways we are training the nation’s sexual and reproductive health clinical workforce: 

  1. Clinical skills training is free for providers from Title X recipient organizations; there is a nominal fee for Non-Title X providers. 
  2. We create resources and curate additional resources from partner organizations. All resources are free and accessible to the public. 
  3. The annual National Reproductive Health Conference is subsidized for Title X providers and other closely related DHHS-funded organizations.
  4. The CTC-SRH works closely with the Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC) to support Title X-funded projects.
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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