Tag: Billing and Coding


Billing and Coding Basics for Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Learning Labs address specific topics of interest for providers who are new to Title X. This session was recorded on May 15, 2024.

Participants will be able to describe:

  • Relevant coding terminology, including CPT, ICD diagnosis, and modifier codes
  • Current criteria used to determine the level of E/M office visit code based on either the visit's complexity or time
  • Codes for common visits in Title X, including LARC services.

Before watching the Learning Lab, participants should complete pre-work, which consists of billing and coding resources. In this recorded 75-minute live learning lab, presenters reviewed the pre-work, answered questions or concerns, and discussed case studies to apply skills and information in a live setting with peers.

Pre-work: Module 1: Coding in the Reproductive Health Care Environment: The Fundamentals of Coding eLearning. 1 CNE hour offered.


Coding with Ann: Updates on Common LARC Miscodes

In the latest installment of the ongoing series, Coding with Ann, Ann Finn, of Ann Finn LLC, discusses updated guidance on common LARC miscodes with the CTC-SRH.


Coding with Ann: Updated Guidance for E/M Codes

The CTC-SRH speaks with Ann Finn, of Ann Finn Consulting, LLC, about the latest guidance in using E/M codes for billing and clinic revenue.


Coding with Ann: Updates on Common Codes for IUD-Related Services

In episode 21 of the NCTCFP's popular Coding with Ann series, Ann Finn, of Ann Finn LLC, provides updated guidance common codes used when billing for IUDs and IUD-related services.



Resources for the Nation’s Title X Workforce Busy clinicians serving the Title X network are always in need of efficient and reliable ways to ensure they are providing current evidence-based […]


Podcasts offer an easy way for experts to share insights, host conversations, and provide valuale knowledge in an audio format. The CTC-SRH produces regular podcast episodes for sexual and reproductive […]

IUC Training

The CTC-SRH offers intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) training for clinical services providers since 2008. Participants report significant improvement in their technical skills and increased confidence in performing IUC placement and removal. […]

Resource Library

The resources on this page are all created by the CTC-SRH to assist clinical services providers in managing common sexual and reproductive health concerns and related preventive health care issues. […]

Coding with Ann: Updates on ICD-10 Codes for Common Contraceptive Visits

In episode 19 of the NCTCFP's popular Coding with Ann series, Ann Finn, of Ann Finn LLC, provides updated guidance on ICD-10 billing and coding for common contraceptive visits.


Billing & Coding for Hypertension

This job aid provides guidance on best billing and coding practices for when hypertension presents in family planning settings. Developed in conjunction with the Family Planning Files podcast episode Coding with Ann Episode 18: Coding for Hypertension.

This job aid provides guidance on best billing and coding practices for when hypertension presents in family planning settings. Developed in conjunction with the Family Planning Files podcast episode Coding with Ann Episode 18: Coding for Hypertension.


Coding with Ann: Coding for Hypertension

The NCTCFP speaks with Ann Finn, of Ann Finn Consulting, LLC, for another episode of the popular Coding with Ann series, on billing and coding for hypertension in family planning settings. This podcast episode was produced in conjunction with the NCTCFP's Billing and Coding for Hypertension job aid.


Coding with Ann: Updated Billing and Coding for FABMs

In this episode, Ann Finn of Ann Finn Consulting LLC provides updated guidance on billing and coding for fertility awareness-based methods of contraception.


Coding with Ann: Updated Telehealth Recommendations

In this episode, Ann Finn of Ann Finn Consulting LLC discusses the latest recommendations and guidance around telehealth billing and coding, including HIPAA compliance.


Coding with Ann: Updated Billing and Coding Guidance for Implant Contraception

In this episode, Ann Finn joins the NCTCFP to walk through the latest best practices for billing and coding related to implant contraception.


Common Codes for Billing: Contraceptive Management Visits

This palm card provides common codes for contraceptive management visits, including ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure/supply codes. Contraceptive types include IUDs, Implant, Oral Contraceptive Pills, DMPA, Emergency Contraception, Patch, FABM, Vaginal Ring, and general family planning counseling.

This palm card provides common codes for contraceptive management visits, including ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure/supply codes. Contraceptive types include IUDs, Implant, Oral Contraceptive Pills, DMPA, Emergency Contraception, Patch, FABM, Vaginal Ring, and general family planning counseling.


Billing and Coding for Self-Administered Subcutaneous DMPA

This new resource will help family planning providers document activities related to provision of self-administered SubQ DMPA, including ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes and Procedure Codes. Modifiers for telehealth visits are included.

This new resource, Coding and Billing Recommendations for Counseling, Education and Ongoing Monitoring of Patients Electing to use DMPA Subcutaneously (SubQ) via Self-administration, will help family planning providers document activities related to provision of self-administered SubQ DMPA, including ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes and Procedure Codes. Modifiers for telehealth visits are included.


Coding with Ann: E/M Coding Changes

In this episode, the NCTCFP talks with Ann Finn, of Ann Finn Consulting LLC, about the E/M coding changes that went into effect in 2021.

Explore this topic further with an E-Learning, Coding in the Reproductive Health Care Environment: The Fundamentals of Coding from the RHNTC, and with a Job Aid, Summary of Evaluation and Management Coding Updates Effective January 2021 from the AMA.


Coding with Ann: PEP

In this episode, Ann Finn discusses codes to use when seeing a patient and billing for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV prevention.


Coding with Ann: Coding for SBIRT

In this episode, Ann Finn will review coding for SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) for substance use, including E/M CPT codes paired with ICD-10 diagnosis codes for alcohol and drug use. This podcast series assists family planning providers with appropriate and timely reimbursement.


Coding with Ann: ICD-10 Codes for Each Birth Control Method

In this episode, Ann Finn will review ICD-10 codes for different birth control methods in under 10 minutes. This podcast series assists family planning providers with appropriate and timely reimbursement.


Coding with Ann: Best Practices for ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding for STD & HIV Screening

In this episode, Ann Finn will review codes that can be used for billing STD and HIV screenings. This podcast series assists family planning providers with appropriate and timely reimbursement. A copy of the transcript is below.


Coding with Ann: Common Modifiers for Billing Family Planning Services

In this episode, Ann Finn will discuss the common modifiers that can be used in billing family planning services. This podcast series assists family planning providers with appropriate and timely reimbursement.


Coding with Ann: E/M Coding Using Counseling Time

In this episode, Ann focuses on outpatient Evaluation and Management (E/M) coding using time in a family planning context. This podcast series assists family planning providers with appropriate and timely reimbursement.

University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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