
Podcasts offer an easy way for experts to share insights, host conversations, and provide valuale knowledge in an audio format. The CTC-SRH produces regular podcast episodes for sexual and reproductive health clinicians, featuring easily digestible content that can be accessed from both computers and mobile devices.

Our podcast series, Clinical Chats: A Podcast for Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Providers, covers current hot topics and emerging trends in sexual and reproductive health with national experts.

With new episodes released monthly, Clinical Chats is available on major streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, and on our website. New episodes are shaped by current educational needs in the field, emerging health trends and issues, new technologies, and guidance from our Grantee Clinical Leadership Advisory Council.

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Latest Clinical Chat Podcasts

All Podcasts

Clinical Chats focuses on interviews with subject matter experts in the realm of sexual and reproductive health services, in order to deliver the latest news and guidance to Title X clinicians and other staff. It provides valuable insights for Title X clinicians, administrators, medical assistants, and health educators, with episodes catering to both clinical and non-clinical staff.

Combatting Congenital Syphilis: The Role of Disease Intervention Specialists

As part of the Combatting Congenital Syphilis trilogy, the CTC-SRH speaks with Louisiana Department of Health's Michael Carter, a regional STD Control manager, and Ariel Johnson, a disease intervention specialist (DIS)/contact tracer, about their role in addressing syphilis and HIV and how clinicians and DIS can leverage relationships to help their communities.

Released: 06/25/2024

Combatting Congenital Syphilis: Conventional Testing and Treatment

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Kate Miele from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to review conventional testing and treatment protocols for syphilis.

Released: 05/07/2024

Combatting Congenital Syphilis: Point-of-Care Testing and Same-Day Treatment

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH's own Associate Director, Tammy Bennett, will be discussing point-of-care testing and same-day treatment for syphilis infections and how Title X sites can implement these services in their own clinics.

Released: 04/17/2024

Addressing Pregnancy-Associated Deaths

All Addressing Pregnancy-Associated Deaths Podcasts
Pregnancy-associated deaths, those not directly related to obstetric causes, make up the majority of maternal mortalities in the US, and while Title X clinicians do not provide prenatal care, they can still address pregnancy-associated death in their practices in other ways. The podcasts in this series discuss the most common causes of pregnancy-associated death in the US, and provide guidance on the ways in which Title X services and providers can impact and prevent them.

Coding With Ann Podcasts

All Coding With Ann Podcasts

Coding with Ann is the CTC-SRH’s ongoing podcast series on billing, coding, and reimbursement for anyone involved in revenue cycle management in Title X or other sexual and reproductive health settings. Episodes feature Ann Finn, of Ann Finn Consulting, LLC, a nationally-known expert in medical billing and coding who has worked with many sexual and reproductive health organizations over the years.

Coding with Ann: Coding for Hypertension

The NCTCFP speaks with Ann Finn, of Ann Finn Consulting, LLC, for another episode of the popular Coding with Ann series, on billing and coding for hypertension in family planning settings. This podcast episode was produced in conjunction with the NCTCFP's Billing and Coding for Hypertension job aid.

Released: 11/08/2022

Coding with Ann: Updated Billing and Coding for FABMs

In this episode, Ann Finn of Ann Finn Consulting LLC provides updated guidance on billing and coding for fertility awareness-based methods of contraception.

Released: 10/06/2022

Coding with Ann: Updated Telehealth Recommendations

In this episode, Ann Finn of Ann Finn Consulting LLC discusses the latest recommendations and guidance around telehealth billing and coding, including HIPAA compliance.

Released: 09/19/2022

Coding with Ann: Updated Billing and Coding Guidance for Implant Contraception

In this episode, Ann Finn joins the NCTCFP to walk through the latest best practices for billing and coding related to implant contraception.

Released: 08/29/2022
Podcast Series
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In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Kate Miele from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to review conventional testing and treatment protocols for syphilis.

Released: 05/07/2024

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH's own Associate Director, Tammy Bennett, will be discussing point-of-care testing and same-day treatment for syphilis infections and how Title X sites can implement these services in their own clinics.

Released: 04/17/2024

In the final episode of the four-part series on the pregnancy-associated death crisis in the US, The CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Nicole Tchalim, from Columbia University's Women and Reproductive Mental Health, or WARM, program, and how Title X and other family planning clinicians can address mental health struggles and suicidality in their own patients.

Released: 03/26/2024

In part three of a four-part series, the CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Karen Trister Grace about the effects of intimate partner violence on pregnancy, homicide as a cause of pregnancy-associated death, and how Title X clinicians can address it in their practices.

Released: 03/12/2024
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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