Virtual Coffee Breaks

Overview: Virtual Coffee Breaks

Virtual Coffee Breaks (VCBs) are short, focused, micro-learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of busy sexual and reproductive health clinicians. These 15-minute mini-courses help providers stay updated on evidence-based practices and issues emerging in a rapidly shifting healthcare landscape. 

Participants can earn continuing education credits (CEs) for each Virtual Coffee Break by registering, completing the course, and successfully passing a learning check at

resources vcb 1

VCB Series: Providing Intrauterine Contraception

Intrauterine contraception (IUC) is the most commonly used, FDA-approved long-active reversible contraception. People who are actively trying to prevent a pregnancy appreciate it for its efficacy, ease of use, safety, and cost-effectiveness.  

This four-part Virtual Coffee Break series will help ensure that clinics and clinicians are prepared to confidently discuss IUC and ensure safe and equitable access for clients.

Part 1: Intrauterine Contraception: Mechanisms of Action, Terminology, Candidates for Use, and Duration of Use, November 28, 2022

This brief e-learning opportunity will prepare sexual and reproductive health clinicians to confidently discuss the types of intrauterine contraception (IUC) and their mechanisms of action, identify criteria for patient use, and describe the efficacy and duration of use for each.

Part 2: Intrauterine Contraception: Considerations for Client Care, Scheduling, Inventory, and Billing and Coding, March 10, 2023

This Virtual Coffee Break offers strategies and resources to support client care, scheduling, inventory, billing, and coding for intrauterine contraception (IUC) services.

Part 3: Intrauterine Contraception: Evaluation and Management of Pain and Bleeding, June 27, 2023

This VCB covers best practices for the evaluation and management of pain and bleeding during intrauterine contraception (IUC) use.

Part 4: Intrauterine Contraception: Difficult Placements and Removals, August 21, 2023

This Virtual Coffee Break reviews best practices for the evaluation and management of difficult placements and removals of intrauterine contraception (IUC) devices.

0.25 continuing education credits (CNE) are available for these activities. To obtain continuing education credits, participants must register and successfully pass a quiz for this activity. For further information and/or to register, visit

VCB Series: Assessment and Triage of Early Pregnancy Symptoms (Series)

Pregnancy testing and counseling are part of the core sexual and reproductive health services outlined in the 2021 Title X Family Planning Rule.  

This four-part series is designed to assist Title X clinical service providers with the assessment, management, and triage of early pregnancy symptoms.

Part 1: Early Pregnancy Diagnosis and Dating, December 14, 2022

This brief e-learning opportunity prepares sexual and reproductive health clinicians to provide pregnancy testing and counseling to clients and confidently determine gestational age.

Part 2: Pain and Bleeding in Early Pregnancy, January 30, 2023

This Virtual Coffee Break prepares sexual and reproductive health providers to diagnose and effectively manage pain and bleeding in early pregnancy.

Part 3: Management of Non-Viable Early Pregnancy, April 10, 2023

This Virtual Coffee Break will help providers diagnose, counsel, and treat clients with nonviable intrauterine pregnancy.

Part 4: Follow-Up and Complications After Early Pregnancy Loss, August 21, 2023

This Virtual Coffee Break was created to help providers diagnose, counsel, and treat clients who present with complications after an early pregnancy loss.

0.25 continuing education credits (CNE) are available for these activities. To obtain continuing education credits, participants must register and successfully pass a quiz for this activity. For further information and/or to register, visit

Archived Virtual Coffee Breaks

All Virtual Coffee Breaks

Management of Nonviable Early Pregnancy

This virtual coffee break was created by the Clinical Training Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health to help providers diagnose, counsel, and treat clients with nonviable intrauterine pregnancy.  It is intended for Title X program clinical providers (MD/NP/PA/CNM), nurses, and other staff who may assess and triage clients with early pregnancy symptoms.

After completing the activity, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the process of determining viability in early pregnancy.
  • Define common terms associated with early pregnancy loss (EPL).
  • Discuss considerations for counseling clients with non-viable pregnancies.
  • Identify three EPL management options and describe contraindications, risks, benefits, and patient counseling considerations for each.

This e-learning activity is part of a series on Assessment and Triage of Early Pregnancy Symptoms.

Continuing education credits (0.25 CNE) are available for this activity. To obtain continuing education credits, participants must register for the course, complete course content, and successfully pass a quiz for this activity. For further information and/or to register, visit The 'view now' option allows participants to take the e-learning without registering but CE will not be awarded.

Released: 04/10/2023

Intrauterine Contraception: Considerations for Client Care, Scheduling, Inventory, and Billing and Coding

This Virtual Coffee Break offers strategies and resources to support client care, scheduling, inventory, billing, and coding for Intrauterine Contraception (IUC) services.

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Identify considerations and workflow for providing IUC services
  • Describe the process for scheduling clients for IUC services
  • Describe how inventory is critical for same-visit placement
  • Discuss processes for ensuring that IUC insertion kits and supplies are always stocked in the clinic
  • Identify best practices for billing and coding for IUC services

This e-learning activity is part of a series on Providing Intrauterine Contraception.

Continuing education credits (0.25 CNE) are available for this activity. To obtain continuing education credits, participants must register for the course, complete course content, and successfully pass a quiz for this activity. For further information and/or to register, visit The 'view now' option allows participants to take the e-learning without registering but CE will not be awarded.

Released: 03/17/2023

Pain and Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

This Virtual Coffee Break describes the diagnosis and management of pain and bleeding in early pregnancy.

After completing the activity, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the evaluation of abdominal/pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy
  • Identify emergent and non-emergent pathologies for differential diagnosis of pain and bleeding in early pregnancy
  • Discuss criteria for instability and referral of client to emergency department
  • Describe essential actions for the expectant management of actual or threatened early pregnancy loss

This e-learning activity is part of a series on Assessment and Triage of Early Pregnancy Symptoms.

Continuing education credits (0.25 CNE) are available for this activity. To obtain continuing education credits, participants must register for the course, complete course content, and successfully pass a quiz for this activity. For further information and/or to register, visit The 'view now' option allows participants to take the e-learning without registering but CE will not be awarded.

Released: 01/30/2023
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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