Training with Continuing Education (CE)

Continuing Education (CE) is critical for clinical services providers and other healthcare professionals to maintain licensure and professional competence while staying updated about new and developing topics in their field. As the CTC-SRH’s goal is to support Title X clinicians to provide evidence-based high quality sexual and reproductive health care, we understand the necessity of obtaining CEs in order to maintain licensure. 

The trainings provided by the CTC-SRH are conducted by nationally-renowned subject matter experts. Training topics are selected based on recommendations from the sexual and reproductive field of providers, our Grantee Clinical Leadership Advisory Council (GCLAC), and needs assessments from the Title X network. The trainings are available in multiple, easily-accessible formats including self-paced eLearning modules, IUC training, and live webinars.

training CEs

As the CTC-SRH is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs to serve the Title X network, all our trainings are free to Title X clinical providers. Most of our resources and CE trainings are free and available for non-Title X individuals as well. However, skills-based trainings, such as our IUC training, require that non-Title X individuals pay a nominal fee.

Types of CTC-SRH Trainings with CEs

The CTC-SRH is the only national clinical training center that has been federally funded to provide training and technical assistance to Title X clinical services providers since 2006. Therefore, you can be confident that our trainings are high-quality, evidence-based, and aligned with Title X programmatic requirements and priorities. The CTC-SRH engages national subject matter experts in the development of all learning activities.


IUC Training

The CTC-SRH offers intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) training for Title X clinical services providers and other sexual and reproductive healthcare providers. We have been successfully providing IUC training since 2008, with participants reporting that the training is successful in skills development and building confidence in performing IUC placement and removal. 

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Virtual Coffee Breaks

Virtual Coffee Breaks (VCBs) are short, focused, micro-learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of busy sexual and reproductive health clinicians. These 15-minute mini-courses help providers stay updated on evidence-based practices and issues emerging in a rapidly shifting healthcare landscape. 

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The CTC-SRH webinars are free, eligible for continuing education (CE), and available for individuals and teams. Previous webinar topics have included trauma-informed care, human trafficking screening, taking comprehensive sexual health histories, and updated sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatment guidelines.

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Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health 

Our resources are created, curated, and managed with the goal of supporting clinical learning for sexual and reproductive providers with a focus on Title X clinical services providers. While our resources do not have CE available, they can be used to strengthen new knowledge or provide new perspectives in conjunction with our CE training. Downloadable resources such as job aids and toolkits can be used as quick reference tools to align services to best practices, and clinical protocol templates can be customized by your organization to standardize practices.

University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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