Tag: Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI or STD)


Mpox: Understanding and Preventing the Disease

In this DIALS, recorded on September 26th, 2024, industry experts Dolores Connelly DeWitt and Sara Flubacher outline the current state of Mpox, as well as ACIP recommendation, the indications, and the availability of the vaccine, Jynneos.


Protocol Template: Expedited Partner Therapy

This sample clinical protocol can be used to enhance clinicians' understanding of the appropriateness of expedited partner therapy (EPT) and how it can be used in communities with increasing gonorrhea and/or chlamydia rates by increasing treatment in underserved populations.

Instructions are provided within the template so local agencies can fully customize their organization's protocol. A web-accessible PDF is provided, along with an editable Word Document.


Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis: A Toolkit for Healthcare Providers

This toolkit is a collection of tools, job aids, and evidence-based resources related to screening, testing, staging, and treating syphilis. It is intended for Title X staff but includes resources that can be useful for any sexual and reproductive health provider.


Penicillin G Benzathine (Bicillin L-A®) Client Information Sheet

This client information sheet can be shared and disseminated to clients being treated with Penicillin G Benzathine.

Title X agencies should have all patient-facing materials, such as the handout above, reviewed and adapted by their Informational & Educational (I&E) Advisory Committee. Learn more about I&E Materials Review.


Treatment with Penicillin G Benzathine (Bicillin L-A®)

Long-acting penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin L-A®) is the preferred antibiotic treatment for patients in all stages of syphilis. This job aid focuses on treatment with an emphasis on dosage by stage, administration of the injection, side effects, and other considerations for using penicillin G benzathine.


Introduction to XACIATO™ (clindamycin phosphate) Vaginal Gel 2%

In this DIALS, recorded on August 28th, 2024, Dr. Juliana Raymaker and Dr. Bree Harbin give an overview of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and a new BV management drug, XACIATO™. This session provides background information and research about the product, as well as indications for use, availability, and cost.


Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis

Comprehensive Health Care Provider Resources for Effective Screening, Diagnosis, Staging, Treatment, and Prevention What is Syphilis? Syphilis is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by the bacteria […]

Syphilis Point-of-Care Testing Workflow

This algorithm will support providers by establishing a workflow for syphilis point-of-care testing.


Syphilis Point-of-Care Testing Scripts

This job aid will support providers by offering a set of suggested scripts for discussing testing, results, and treatment with clients.


Using Normalizing and Opt-out Language - Syphilis Screening Palm Card

This job aid offers providers a quick reference guide for scripts to normalize and opt out of syphilis screening.


Quick Reference Guide for Syphilis Screening and Staging

This job aid offers providers a quick reference guide to screening and staging syphilis.


Early Syphilis Primary, Secondary, and Early Latent Syphilis Staging/Treatment Algorithm

This algorithm will support providers in staging and treatment for early primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis.


Quick Reference Guide to Syphilis Treatment

This job aid offers providers a quick reference guide to syphilis treatment.


Late Latent Syphilis Algorithm

This algorithm assists providers in treating clients considered to have late latent syphilis (>1 year duration) or syphilis of unknown duration.


Doxy PEP Patient Information Sheet

This patient information resource can be offered to clients who are interested in or who have been prescribed Doxy PEP as a post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent the acquisition of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Title X agencies should have all patient-facing materials, such as the handout above, reviewed and adapted by their Informational & Educational (I&E) Advisory Committee. Learn more about I&E Materials Review.


Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (Doxy PEP) Treatment Guidelines

This job aid supports providers in counseling, prescribing, and monitoring Doxy PEP as a post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent the acquisition of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.


Traditional Algorithm for Syphilis Screening

This algorithm assists providers in screening for syphilis starting with an initial nontreponemal test (e.g., Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL] or rapid plasma reagin [RPR] test) then confirming positive results with a reflex treponemal antibody detection test (e.g., fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed [FTA-ABS] test, chemoluminescence immunoassays [CIA], enzyme immunoassays [EIA], or T pallidum particle agglutination [TP-PA] test).


Reverse Algorithm for Syphilis Screening

This algorithm assists providers in screening for syphilis, starting with an initial automated treponemal test (e.g., fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed [FTA-ABS] test, chemoluminescence immunoassays [CIA], enzyme immunoassays [EIA], or T pallidum particle agglutination [TP-PA] test) and then confirming positive results with a reflex nontreponemal test (e.g., Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL] or rapid plasma reagin [RPR] test).


Combatting Congenital Syphilis: The Role of Disease Intervention Specialists

As part of the Combatting Congenital Syphilis trilogy, the CTC-SRH speaks with Louisiana Department of Health's Michael Carter, a regional STD Control manager, and Ariel Johnson, a disease intervention specialist (DIS)/contact tracer, about their role in addressing syphilis and HIV and how clinicians and DIS can leverage relationships to help their communities.


CDC Clinical Guidelines on Doxy PEP

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released Clinical Guidelines on the Use of Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention on June 6, 2024. This report is the first to outline the CDC's recommendation for the use of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP).

Learn more by watching our recorded DIALS from November 2023. Dr. Hilary Reno's slides outline the evidence base for doxy PEP.


Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Needs of Sex Workers

In this DIALS, recorded on May 17th, 2024, Dr. Amanda Morgan and Dr. Cheryl Radeloff discuss the current state of sex work in the US, cover priority health needs and strategies for meeting unmet needs of sex workers, and discuss client-led counseling and education approaches for people involved in sex work.


Combatting Congenital Syphilis: Conventional Testing and Treatment

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Kate Miele from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to review conventional testing and treatment protocols for syphilis.


Combatting Congenital Syphilis: Point-of-Care Testing and Same-Day Treatment

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH's own Associate Director, Tammy Bennett, will be discussing point-of-care testing and same-day treatment for syphilis infections and how Title X sites can implement these services in their own clinics.


Cervical Cancer Screening and Management of Abnormal Findings Using the ASCCP Mobile App

In this DIALS, recorded on 1/9/2024, Sarah Diemert provided an overview of the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) mobile app and went through case studies using the app to determine appropriate next steps for various pap smear results. She also provided an overview of the guidelines most commonly followed in the United States, published by ASCCP, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).


Missed Opportunity or Overkill? Post Sexual Encounter Counseling and Prophylaxis

In this DIALS, recorded on 11/27/23, Dr. David Turok and Dr. Hilary Reno discussed emerging research that supports emergency contraception and post-exposure prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Studies have shown that PEP and EC are appropriate for prophylaxis following unprotected intercourse. Additionally, doxy PEP shows promise as a preventive measure for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.


Individual and Community Benefits to Providing Expedited Partner Therapy

This DIALS, recorded on 8/30/2023, featured Stephanie Arnold Pang and Dr. Joseph Cherabie. It provides an overview of Expedited Partner Therapy and the strategies to mitigate legal, medical, practical, and administrative barriers to its implementation.


Multipurpose Prevention Technologies Interview

Clinical Connections interviewed Dr. Lisa Haddad, MD, MPH, Medical Director for the Center for Biomedical Research at the Population Council, about multipurpose prevention technologies, or MPTs, in recognition of National Condom Month. Dr. Haddad leads the clinical development efforts to advance the Center's sexual and reproductive health product portfolio, including novel contraceptives and multi-purpose prevention technologies.

At-Home STI Testing

In this DIALS, recorded on 2/1/2023, guests Dr. Ina Park and Jessica Zamora discuss self-collected, in-home STI testing. Dr. Park focuses on the evidence around the technology used in in-home test kits and Ms. Zamora covers results and future directions for a pilot program for in-home STI testing launched by the National Coalition of STD Directors in early 2022.


DIALS (Drop In Active Learning Sessions)

DIALS Overview Drop In Active Learning Sessions (DIALS) are dynamic, virtual, 60-minute educational activities developed by the CTC-SRH to offer clinicians quick and convenient learning opportunities about new and emerging […]

Preventing Congenital Syphilis

The NCTCFP talks with Dr. Lindley Barbee, a faculty member at the University of Washington School of Medicine and medical director at the Public Health Seattle and King County STD Clinic, to talk about the nationwide rising rates of congenital syphilis, and how clinicians can prevent cases in their work.


Phexxi Vaginal Gel

This DIALS, recorded on 6/23/2022 with guest Brandi Howard, provides an overview of Phexxi vaginal gel, including effectiveness in pregnancy prevention, user satisfaction, and other characteristics. Phexxi for STI prevention is also discussed.


Congenital Syphilis

This DIALS was recorded 6/21/22 with guests Beth Kruse, MS, CNM, ARNP, Lead Clinician for the Family Planning Program of Public Health Seattle-King County, and Tammy Bennett, RN, MSN, WHNP-BC, DNP(s), Reproductive Health Statewide Nurse Consultant for Louisiana. This DIALS focuses on an in-depth discussion of tailored public health strategies aimed at addressing missed opportunities and closing disparities gaps for the prevention of congenital syphilis in the family planning setting.


STI Treatment Guidelines Update

In this archived webinar, recorded on April 28, 2022, Dr. Ina Park presents the latest updates in STI Treatment Guidelines.

After watching this 1 hour webinar, viewers should be able to:

  • Identify epidemiologic trends in STIs in the U.S. as well as globally
  • Discuss the role of family planning providers in the prevention of congenital syphilis and the current guidance about screening during pregnancy
  • Describe current testing and management recommendations for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Mycoplasma genitalium
  • Explain the role of metronidazole in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Discuss two-step testing for the serologic diagnosis of genital HSV-2

Please note: CE is no longer available for this webinar.


STIs, PID, and Infertility

The NCTCFP sits down with Dr. Hilary Reno from Washington University School of Medicine to discuss STIs, PID, and infertility in recognition of Infertility Awareness Month and STI Awareness Week.


CDC Releases New STI Treatment Guidelines

CDC's Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Treatment Guidelines, 2021 provides current evidence-based prevention, diagnostic and treatment recommendations that replace the 2015 guidance. The recommendations are intended to be a source for clinical guidance.


Exploring the New CDC Guidelines for Gonorrhea Treatment

The NCTCFP sits down with Dr. Hilary Reno, Assistant Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in Infectious Diseases in St. Louis, to discuss the treatment guidelines for gonorrhea released by the CDC in an MMWR in December 2020.



Overview: Webinars The CTC-SRH’s goal is to provide a variety of training modalities to meet your clinical training needs. Therefore, our webinars are free, eligible for continuing education (CE), and […]

Coding with Ann: PEP

In this episode, Ann Finn discusses codes to use when seeing a patient and billing for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV prevention.


Coding with Ann: Best Practices for ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding for STD & HIV Screening

In this episode, Ann Finn will review codes that can be used for billing STD and HIV screenings. This podcast series assists family planning providers with appropriate and timely reimbursement. A copy of the transcript is below.

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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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