Tag: Infertility


Basic Infertility Assessment for Family Planning Providers

Infertility affects approximately 10-15% of reproductive-aged couples. This session, with speaker Tamara Tobias, WHNP-BC, ARNP, addresses infertility prevention, basic fertility evaluation, diagnosis of male and female infertility, key counseling priorities for people planning a pregnancy, and tips for effective referrals. After watching, viewers will be able to:

  • Describe at least three common causes for infertility in males and females
  • Identify the essential components of the male and female medical history, physical examination, and laboratory data needed to diagnose infertility
  • Explain at least three pre-pregnancy counseling key points that should be discussed with clients
  • Discuss Title X guidance for the provision of equitable and client-centered pre-pregnancy and infertility services
This session is a recorded breakout from the 2022 National Reproductive Health Conference. No continuing education is available for this educational activity.

Protocol Template: Basic Infertility Services


This protocol template is written with several decision points that must be addressed before the protocol is ready for use. Local agencies can use this protocol template to tailor content to their own organization. Decision points are identified as ‘NOTE‘ in the template protocol. Local agencies should only include information that reflects their own organization’s current practices.


Providing Basic Infertility Services in Title X Settings

The NCTCFP speaks with their very own director, Jacki Witt, JD, MSN, WHNP-BC, FAANP, about basic infertility services and what is covered under the Title X program.


A Case Study: Providing Basic Infertility Services in a Title X Setting

This case study will introduce you to a scenario you may encounter in providing initial workup and basic infertility services to a couple who have been trying without success to become pregnant.

STIs, PID, and Infertility

The NCTCFP sits down with Dr. Hilary Reno from Washington University School of Medicine to discuss STIs, PID, and infertility in recognition of Infertility Awareness Month and STI Awareness Week.

University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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