Tag: Guidelines and Updates


Pain Management During In-Office Gynecological Procedures

The CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Rachel McKean, a Complex Family Planning Fellow at Penn Medicine and one of the presenters for the upcoming National Reproductive Health Conference, about providing pain management during IUD insertions and other gynecological procedures performed in office settings.


Conducting an HIV Risk Assessment in Family Planning Settings

In this episode, the CTC-SRH interviews Dr. Brandon Mizroch from the AIDS Education Training Center at the University of Utah Hospital. Dr. Mizroch, a presenter for the 2024 National Reproductive Health Conference, discusses conducting HIV risk assessments in family planning settings and the importance of providing follow-up care.


Trauma-Informed Care for Clinicians: SAMHSA's 6 Principles

This video is the third and final part of the Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) video series. It is intended to accompany the Clinician Guide for TIC. This video series serves as a multi-part guide for clinicians, emphasizing the importance of TIC and how to implement TIC into clinical practices. The videos feature the narrative of Stephanie Tillman, CNM, FACNM, a prominent midwife, activist, and scholar in trauma-informed care and queer inclusivity.

The contents of this video are solely the responsibility of the author(s)/presenters and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, the Office of Population Affairs/OASH/HHS or the U.S. Government. This video was supported by 1 FPTPA006031-03-00 issued by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,000,000 with 100 percent funded by the Office of Population Affairs/OASH/HHS.


Title X Statutes and Regulations

Learning Labs address specific topics of interest for providers who are new to Title X. This session was recorded on June 24, 2024.

Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss current Title X statutes and regulations
  • Apply current Title X statutes to at least 3 case studies
  • Differentiate between "must," "can," and "should" services within the Title X statutes.

Before watching the Learning Lab, participants should complete pre-work, which consists of reviewing Title X resources. In this recorded 60-minute live learning lab, presenters reviewed the pre-work, answered questions or concerns, and discussed case studies to apply skills and information in a live setting with peers.

Title X Orientation: Program Requirements for Title X Funded Family Planning Projects eLearning on RHNTC Website

Title X Service Grants on OPA Website


CDC Clinical Guidelines on Doxy PEP

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released Clinical Guidelines on the Use of Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention on June 6, 2024. This report is the first to outline the CDC's recommendation for the use of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP).

Learn more by watching our recorded DIALS from November 2023. Dr. Hilary Reno's slides outline the evidence base for doxy PEP.


Combatting Congenital Syphilis: Conventional Testing and Treatment

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH speaks with Dr. Kate Miele from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to review conventional testing and treatment protocols for syphilis.


Combatting Congenital Syphilis: Point-of-Care Testing and Same-Day Treatment

In response to the rising rates of congenital syphilis infections, the CTC-SRH's own Associate Director, Tammy Bennett, will be discussing point-of-care testing and same-day treatment for syphilis infections and how Title X sites can implement these services in their own clinics.


Trauma-Informed Care for Clinicians: Increasing Client Comfort

This video is the second part of our Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) video series. It is intended to accompany the Clinician Guide for TIC. This video series serves as a multi-part guide for clinicians, emphasizing the importance of TIC and how to implement TIC into clinical practices. The videos feature the narrative of Stephanie Tillman, CNM, FACNM, a prominent midwife, activist, and scholar in trauma-informed care and queer inclusivity.

The contents of this video are solely the responsibility of the author(s)/presenters and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, Office of Population Affairs/OASH/HHS, or the U.S. Government. This video was supported by 1 FPTPA006031-02-00 issued by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,000,000 with 100 percent funded by the Office of Population Affairs/OASH/HHS.



Triage, Management, and Referral for Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Family Planning Program Policy and Procedures

This template is intended to assist sexual and reproductive health/family planning providers develop or update local, service site-specific policies and procedures on providing care to clients who have had a positive pregnancy test.

Instructions are provided within the template so local agencies can fully customize their organization's protocol. A web-accessible PDF is provided, along with an editable Word Document.


Understanding Ohio v. Becerra

The CTC-SRH talks with Robin Summers, JD senior counsel and vice president at the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, about the recent federal ruling in Ohio v. Becerra. Robin interprets the current ruling for listeners and provides insight into what Title X providers and staff can anticipate next in the case.


Missed Opportunity or Overkill? Post Sexual Encounter Counseling and Prophylaxis

In this DIALS, recorded on 11/27/23, Dr. David Turok and Dr. Hilary Reno discussed emerging research that supports emergency contraception and post-exposure prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Studies have shown that PEP and EC are appropriate for prophylaxis following unprotected intercourse. Additionally, doxy PEP shows promise as a preventive measure for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.


How Long is Too Long? An Update on Extended Use LARC

This DIALS, recorded on 11/1/2023, featured Dr. Angeline Ti and Dr. Lauren Thaxton. It provides an overview of the research that supports extended use for most methods of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) available in the U.S., followed by a discussion about techniques for client-led education and counseling for potential extended use LARC.


Individual and Community Benefits to Providing Expedited Partner Therapy

This DIALS, recorded on 8/30/2023, featured Stephanie Arnold Pang and Dr. Joseph Cherabie. It provides an overview of Expedited Partner Therapy and the strategies to mitigate legal, medical, practical, and administrative barriers to its implementation.


An Overview of OPill

The CTC-SRH talks with Anitra Beasley, MD, MPH, about the FDA's recent decision to approve OPill to be the first hormonal contraceptive pill to be available over-the-counter.


Coding with Ann: Billing and Coding for Early Pregnancy Loss

The latest episode in the popular Coding with Ann series features a conversation with expert Ann Finn and special guest Dr. Michael Policar about potential scenarios clinicians may see around early pregnancy loss and how to bill for them in order to maximize clinic revenue and reimbursement.


Review of Early Pregnancy Complications Materials

This DIALS, recorded on 6/8/2023, featured Drs. Mike Policar and Misha Pangasa and highlighted the CTC-SRH's training materials and job aids focused on caring for clients experiencing common symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy. This session can assist with billing and coding, case studies, and definitions for early pregnancy care and complications.


Coding with Ann: Updated Guidance for E/M Codes

The CTC-SRH speaks with Ann Finn, of Ann Finn Consulting, LLC, about the latest guidance in using E/M codes for billing and clinic revenue.


Resources for New or Less Experienced Title X Clinical Providers

In this DIALS, recorded on 4/27/2023, featured CTC-SRH staff Jacki Witt, JD, WHNP-BC and Kristin Metcalf-Wilson, DNP, WHNP-BC. This session highlighted specific training, toolkits, and job aids appropriate for clinical services providers which are readily available through the CTC-SRH and RHNTC websites. This session can assist you with onboarding, maintaining, and improving practice through the development of essential sexual and reproductive health care knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior.


Title X Clinician Onboarding Inventory

This document is designed to support new clinicians working in Title X family planning settings. The resources included in this inventory will assist clinicians, new and experienced, to understand the requirements of Title X and have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of clients.


Policies, Procedures, and Clinical Protocols Toolkit

This toolkit is intended to be a resource for administrators, quality managers, and clinicians responsible for developing and maintaining policies, procedures, and clinical protocols for sexual and reproductive health care settings. We hope the toolkit is a useful tool for adopting best practices, training staff, and assessing clinical care.


Policy Considerations for Title X Clinicians in 2022

The NCTCFP speaks with Robin Summers, JD, from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association about policy considerations for Title X and other family planning clinicians in 2022.


Understanding Dobbs and Title X

In this podcast, the NCTCFP speaks with Jessica Swafford Marcella, MPA, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Population Affairs, and Director of the Office of Adolescent Health, to discuss the June 24th SCOTUS decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and how it affects Title X services.


STI Treatment Guidelines Update

In this archived webinar, recorded on April 28, 2022, Dr. Ina Park presents the latest updates in STI Treatment Guidelines.

After watching this 1 hour webinar, viewers should be able to:

  • Identify epidemiologic trends in STIs in the U.S. as well as globally
  • Discuss the role of family planning providers in the prevention of congenital syphilis and the current guidance about screening during pregnancy
  • Describe current testing and management recommendations for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Mycoplasma genitalium
  • Explain the role of metronidazole in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Discuss two-step testing for the serologic diagnosis of genital HSV-2

Please note: CE is no longer available for this webinar.


ASCCP Mobile App

This DIALS, recorded on 2/16/2022 with guest Sarah Diemert, discusses using the ASCCP Mobile App and presents cases for participants to test use of the app.

The app can be purchased in the App Store/Google Play: https://www.asccp.org/mobile-app.
There is also a free web version of the app available here: https://app.asccp.org/.

The slides contain links to additional resources and can be downloaded below.


Implementing Quality Family Planning: Training Toolkits for Staff and Prescribers

Implementing Quality Family Planning, or IQFP, provides clinic staff with the knowledge and skills they need to engage with family planning clients, apply client-centered care, and share evidence-based information on a wide range of contraceptive methods.

The IQFP Toolkits are comprehensive curricula to be used by facilitators familiar with the QFP guidelines to train clinical staff or prescribers.

IQFP Curriculum (Standard) is for experienced staff or clinicians to train non-prescribing staff, including registered nurses and health educators. The IQFP Curriculum consists of two modules: (1) Contraception Overview and (2) Client-Centered Counseling in the Family Planning Setting

IQFP-RX Curriculum (IQFP For Prescribers) is for experienced clinicians to train other clinicians and includes additional in-depth information on prescribing and management. The IQFP-RX Curriculum consists of three modules: (1) Contraception Overview (2) Client-Centered Counseling in the Family Planning Setting (3) Advanced Contraception

The Toolkit Tour below gives an introduction to the Implementing Quality Family Planning (IQFP) Curriculum, a walkthrough of the toolkits, and information on how to customize your training using the toolkits.


Developing and Updating Clinical Protocols

This Drop In Active Learning Session (DIALS), recorded on 11/8/2021 with guest Dr. Michael Policar, covers the essentials to developing and updating clinical protocols and critiques a sample protocol.


Discussing the 2021 Title X Final Rule

The NCTCFP speaks with Jessica Swafford Marcella, MPA, the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Population Affairs and Director of the Office of Adolescent Health, to discuss the new Title X Final Rule, which went into effect on November 8th, 2021, including changes to options counseling and telehealth services.

In October 2021, HHS published the Title X Final Rule “Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services.”

The 2021 final rule revokes the 2019 final rule, “Compliance With Statutory Program Integrity Requirements”, in its entirety and readopts the 2000 final rule, “Standards of Compliance for Abortion-Related Services in Family Planning Services Projects” with revisions to ensure access to equitable, affordable, client-centered, quality family planning services for all clients, especially for low-income clients. This document, published by the Office of Population Affairs, provides a summary of essential provisions within the 2021 rule.


Exploring the New CDC Guidelines for Gonorrhea Treatment

The NCTCFP sits down with Dr. Hilary Reno, Assistant Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in Infectious Diseases in St. Louis, to discuss the treatment guidelines for gonorrhea released by the CDC in an MMWR in December 2020.


Implementing the 2019 ASCCP Guidelines

The NCTCFP speaks with Coleen Jones and Rachel Guy about the new ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines, how they differ from previous guidelines, and their experiences in implementing them in their clinical practice.

This podcast series is funded by an award from the US DHHS Office of Population Affairs. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS, OASH, or OPA. A transcript of the podcast is available below.


COVID-19 Resources and Updates

Resources from NCTCFP Other Resources
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School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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