Embryo Adoption Awareness and Services

April 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

The Embryo Adoption Awareness and Services program, funded by the Office of Population Affairs, is funded to provide medical and administrative services to individuals and couples in order to facilitate the adoption and donation of embryos for the purpose of family formation. Recipients of the services, undertaken as part of the projects, should be individuals that are currently involved, soon may be involved, or are interested in adopting or donating remaining embryos. This may include individuals that are infertile, experiencing difficulty achieving a pregnancy, interested in having more children through frozen embryo transfer, or have surplus embryos.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe embryo donation: evolution and population (who is it for?), and referral options for education.
  2. Describe embryo donation administration components and donation referrals for individuals considering this option for their family.
  3. Describe the value for Title X service recipients and financial resources.


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Embryo Adoption Awareness and Services

April 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT

DIALS events

The Embryo Adoption Awareness and Services program, funded by the Office of Population Affairs, is funded to provide medical and administrative services to individuals and couples in order to facilitate the adoption and donation of embryos for the purpose of family formation. Recipients of the services, undertaken as part of the projects, should be individuals that are currently involved, soon may be involved, or are interested in adopting or donating remaining embryos. This may include individuals that are infertile, experiencing difficulty achieving a pregnancy, interested in having more children through frozen embryo transfer, or have surplus embryos.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe embryo donation: evolution and population (who is it for?), and referral options for education.
  2. Describe embryo donation administration components and donation referrals for individuals considering this option for their family.
  3. Describe the value for Title X service recipients and financial resources.


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April 6, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CDT
Event Category:
University of Missouri – Kansas City
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
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Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services / Office of Population Affairs / Office of Family Planning Grant #1 FPTPA006031-01-00.

CTC-SRH is supported by the office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The information presented does not necessarily represent the views of OPA, OASH, or DHHS
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